Popular fishing brands owned by large investment companies

Popular fishing brands owned by large investment companies

With the huge growth of angling over the last couple years due to the pandemic, companies have been looking for ways to continue their growth as things return to normal. The company Pure Fishing last year expanded their fishing brand empire with the acquisition of Plano and now this year has purchased Svendsen Sport. Pure Fishing will obtain leading brands including Savage Gear, Prologic, MadCat, Water Wolf, and DAM

Pure Fishing who is also owned by the investment group Sycamore Partners added to their already large number of investments.

Rather Outdoors holding company has also added to their own list of popular fishing brands by purchasing Zebco last year.

Do you think this is going to be good or bad for the sport of angling? Let me know in the comments below or message me about any other brands that are being purchased by investment groups.


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